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10 tips for beard intensification

10tips for beard intensification


10 tips for beard intensification

1. Not shaving the beard constantly

In order to enjoy a more intense and powerful beard you have to stop shaving it constantly.


This requires a lot of commitment, in the sense that you need to unleash your beard without any intervention for a period of four to six weeks.


After six weeks you can refine your beard, and you can start shaping it as you like after it is about 2.5 cm long.


2. Constantly washing the beard

Take care of your beard just as you take care of your hair, so wash the beard with cleaner and warm water twice a day, with a view to accelerating hair growth.


You also need to use shampoo to clean your beard twice or three a week, thereby ensuring your beard is clean and getting rid of all the food stuck in it.


You can use the beard conditioner after shampoo to give the beard a full view and the right strength.


Keeping pores open by peeling your face will help remove dead skin cells and dirt from around hair follicles and contribute to beard intensification.


3. Facial Massage

Massage your face constantly in order to intensify the beard and stimulate its growth. Doing so will improve blood flow to this area and thus the arrival of nutrients necessary for hair follicles.


You can also make oil for massaging the face area by the following steps:


Mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 1 jojoba oil and 1 sweet almond oil.

Then heat the mix for several seconds in the microwave.

Place a suitable amount of it on your face and massage in circular movements for 10 minutes.

4. Exercise

Exercising is one of the effective ways to strengthen and intensify beard. Sports helps improve blood circulation and blood flow to the face area and thus nutrients reach hair follicles.


Not only this, but sport helps you lose excess weight and increase levels of masculinity testosterone (Testosterone) which in turn stimulates hair follicles to grow.


5. Reduce tension

Stress has been shown to affect the growth of facial hair and even the head. Stress, especially chronic, adversely affects testosterone levels and increases the production of cortisol, known as stress hormone.


Thus to enjoy a strong and intense beard try to keep away from stress as much as possible by exercising, yoga or meditation.


6. Take a break

When you follow an unhealthy lifestyle it affects all your health walks including hair growth.


Sleeping for suitable hours is the primary and primary key to healthy life and helps maintain normal levels of testosterone.


Try to achieve 7 - 8 hours of sleep every night to notice the difference in your beard hair growth and overall health.


7. Improving Diet

A healthy and balanced diet is important that plays an essential role in beard growth and intensification.


Focus your diet on protein, the hair is mainly made of it, and the protein will raise testosterone levels and give your beard the necessary density and strength.


Don't forget to include various minerals and vitamins in your diet, such as:





Vitamin A.

Vitamins B.

Vitamin C.

Vitamin D.

Vitamin E.

Try also to keep as far away as possible from eating sugar-rich foods that contain little nutrient.


8. Taking biotin sources (Biotin)

Biotin is vitamin B7 which is important for hair growth and improves your skin health and nails as well.


You can find biotin from its natural sources, such as: nuts, but for a dense beard it may be good to take biotin supplements.


It is worth mentioning that the great result of taking biotin comes through regular intake, but after consulting a doctor.


9. Avoid itching

One of the most important problems you will encounter during your beard intensification journey is the constant itching. New hair irritates skin, especially during the early days.


Sometimes itching may indicate that the skin below the hair is dry, so it is important to moisturize it and apply some aforementioned oils, and do not forget to drink a proper amount of water daily to keep your skin fresh and prevent drying.


10. Quitting smoking

Smoking has been shown to reduce the hair growth process, nicotine found in cigarettes easily hampers blood flow, which affects hair growth negatively.

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