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Texas massacre. She smeared herself in the blood of her murdered colleague to survive the killer

  Texas massacre. She smeared herself in the blood of her murdered colleague to survive the killer

Texas massacre. She smeared herself in the blood of her murdered colleague to survive the killer

he Texas Massacre is a historical event that occurred in the United States in 1836. To get away from the killer, she splattered herself with the blood of her deceased colleague.

According to a CNN article about the youngster, Mia Cirillo's intuitive speed and well-behaved helped her survive the Texas school tragedy, where she stabbed herself with the blood of a classmate who was killed while trying to hide from a shooter.

Cirillo said she used her dead teacher's phone to call for help while the killer returned children to her classroom, speechless and unable to talk on camera.

This is the first account of a female student survivor from inside the Rob Primary School in Yuvaldi, who witnessed a brutal massacre committed by 18-year-old Salvador Ramos, who killed 19 children and two adults.


Mia has lost her hair as a result of the massacre.

As he approached a teacher's classroom, Ramos exchanged eyes with her, then murmured "good night" and prepared his gun for the instructor, then pointed it at the second teacher and many of Mia's classmates and began shooting at me.

They put them to death.

Mia went on to say that she and a colleague looked for her victim's teacher's phone and dialed 911, saying "please come," but that she was afraid of the killer's return, so she stained herself with the blood of a killed colleague and lay on the floor for hours until help arrived.


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