- Description and Keywords (start) --> Egypt announced the discovery of a new, 2500-year-old massive artifact in Saqara. - چوري meta blogger.txt جارٍ عرض meta blogger.txt. Egypt announced the discovery of a new, 2500-year-old massive artifact in Saqara. -->

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Egypt announced the discovery of a new, 2500-year-old massive artifact in Saqara.

 Egypt announced the discovery of a new, 2500-year-old massive artifact in Saqara.

Egypt announced the discovery of a new, 2500-year-old massive artifact in Saqara.
 250 coffins containing well-preserved mummies, 150 bronze statues, and various treasures, including objectsExcellent condition. 9 mtrs long

Egypt announced the discovery of a new, 2500-year-old massive artifact in Saqara.

Today at Saqqara, Egypt, a new and important 2500-year-old archaeological discovery was made.

Egypt announced the discovery of a new, 2500-year-old massive artifact in Saqara.

Egypt announced the discovery of a new, 2500-year-old massive artifact in Saqara.


What a find: 250 sarcophagi with well-preserved mummies, 150 bronze statues, and many other artifacts, including a 9-meter papyrus.


The Egyptian mission in Saqqara discovered the artifacts, which will be displayed at the Grand Egyptian Museum.

The Egyptian delegation uncovered and excavated the antiquities, which will be displayed in the Grand Egyptian Museum, God willing.

 Watch Viedo


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